
The Inflationary Universe

Science Physics Cosmology

source The Inflationary Universe: A Possible Solution To The Horizon And Flatness Problems (Guth, 1980) Questions I still have # DONEWHY#1: why is that approximation unstable? # See Flatness Problem Abstract # The initial conditions defined in the Standard Model present two problems: The early universe is defined to be homogeneous despite the massive distances between regions (causal disconnect) The Hubble constant must be set very finely to produce a flat universe (like ours) These problems could disappear if the universe (in its early stages) cooled to temperatures twenty-eight or more orders of magnitude below the critical temperature for “some phase transition”. ...

Standard Model (Cosmology)

Physics Cosmology

This refers to the Cosmological “Standard Model”, i.e. the \(\Lambda\)CDM. This is not the same as the Standard Model of Particle Physics Lambda-CDM # The lambda-cdm or, lambda cold-dark-matter, is a three-parameter description of the Big Bang Cosmological model parametrized by: the Cosmological Constant \(\Lambda\) dark matter normal matter Of the cosmological models, this presents the simplest one in terms of describing the universe as we see it observationally. ...

Cosmological Principle

Physics Cosmology

The Cosmological Principle states that at large enough scales (>100Mpc) the universe’s matter distribution is isotropic and homogeneous and should not produce irregularities in the large-scale structure of the universe over the course of its evolution.